NCAR / icar

The Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research model (ICAR)
MIT License
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Merging Main into Develop #98

Closed scrasmussen closed 2 years ago

scrasmussen commented 2 years ago

Use this template to give a detailed message describing the change you want to make to the code.

The title of this pull request should be a brief "purpose" for this change.

--- Delete this line and those above before hitting "Create pull request" ---

TYPE: choose one of [bug fix, enhancement, new feature, feature removed, no impact, text only]

KEYWORDS: approximately 3 to 6 words (more is always better) related to your commit, separated by commas

SOURCE: Developer's name and affiliation

DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES: One or more paragraphs describing problem, solution, and required changes.

ISSUE: The GitHub Issue that this PR addresses. For issue number 123, it would be Fixes #123

TESTS CONDUCTED: Explicitly state if regression, integration, or unit tests were run before submitting (do not include the CI tests automatically run by GitHub)

NOTES: Optional, as appropriate. Delete if not used. Included only once for new features requiring several merge cycles. Changes to default behavior are also note worthy.


Merging the PR depends on following checklist being completed. Add X between each of the square brackets if they are completed in the PR itself. If a bullet is not relevant to you, please comment on why below the bullet.