NCAR / kcor-pipeline

Pipeline code for KCor
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Check platescale over mission using measured occulter diameter #363

Open jburkepile opened 9 months ago

jburkepile commented 9 months ago

Use the occulter radius size from the routine to compute an image platescale. Record the value of the image platescale in the FITS header keyword IMAGESCL. Image platescales will be compared with the original determination of the instrument platescale derived from the K-Cor effective focal length calculated by Dennis Gallagher, and the lab measurements of the K-Cor occulter diameters.


jburkepile commented 8 months ago

The effective focal length of K-Cor Objective lens, using data from JenOptiks and Corning, is 2018.5 +/- 0.2 mm.

K-Cor occulter diameters in mm (+/- 0.00254 nm - estimate from Dennis email):

Using the focal length and occulter sizes (ala UCoMP):

magnification = distortion-corrected occulter_radius_in_pixels / (occulter_diameter_in_mm / 2.0)
platescale = 206264.8 / magnification / focal_length
mgalloy commented 8 months ago

I have notes about a OC-1018.9" occulter. Was this never used?

jburkepile commented 8 months ago

Mike: Thank you for pointing that out. We swapped out the 'old' winter occulter of 1018.9" on Jan 12, 2021 for the new tapered winter occulter. I had forgotten about that. I edited my info above to include both the old and new occulters. Thanks!

mgalloy commented 8 months ago

I am running code that calculates IMAGESCL on 20221007. I am getting results about 0.034 arcs/pixel less than the current plate scale (5.643 arcsec/pixel).

level2$ for f in *_kcor_l2.fts; do echo $f; fitscat -r $f | grep IMAGESCL; done
IMAGESCL=               5.6105 / [arcsec/pixel] image scale for this file
IMAGESCL=               5.6100 / [arcsec/pixel] image scale for this file
IMAGESCL=               5.6098 / [arcsec/pixel] image scale for this file
jburkepile commented 8 months ago

Not surprising. I have been spot-checking days and getting platescles as much as 0.06 arcsec/pix different - always less than the 5.643 arcsec/pix I got back in 2013-early 2014. Using the larger difference of 0.06 arcsec/pixel as a worse case, we are off by 0.03 solar radii at the outer edge of the field-of-view (the error is much smaller closer to the occulter). That is not awful. The smallest error bar I use for measuring CME positions in the best images is 0.03 solar radii. Many measurements are twice that.

Nevertheless, the platescale is off and needs to be recomputed. I will set up a separate ticket for that. Yesterday, I asked Ben to retrieve 2 of the K-Cor occulters next time he is at MLSO. I want him to mail those back and have the IG measure them again.

It is also possible that a change in distortion correction is playing a role.

So glad you are going to save this info in the headers.

mgalloy commented 8 months ago

Here is the mission plot (only 1 day has been processed with IMAGESCL values).

20221007 kcor mission image_scale

jburkepile commented 8 months ago

Thanks very much for doing this. Just to clarify the above plot: the red line is the platescale (5.643). Is the black vertical line near the end of the mission the image scale? Are you plotting the distortion corrected occulter radius for each camera separately?

mgalloy commented 8 months ago

The black vertical line is comprised of the image scale values for a single day. These image scale values are computed from the average of the two distortion corrected radii. I could store separate IMAGESCL values in the FITS header and database, and then produce two image scale plots.

mgalloy commented 2 weeks ago

Here is the daily plot for 2013-11-13:

20131113 kcor daily image_scale

Mission plot is not too valuable until we reprocess:

20131113 kcor mission image_scale

mgalloy commented 1 week ago

The CSV file looks like:

p$ cat 20131113.kcor.daily.image_scale.csv
2013-11-13 18:52:01, 5.644, 5.649, 5.639, 0.010
2013-11-13 18:52:16, 5.644, 5.649, 5.639, 0.010
2013-11-13 18:52:31, 5.643, 5.649, 5.638, 0.011
2013-11-13 18:52:46, 5.643, 5.648, 5.637, 0.011
2013-11-13 18:53:01, 5.642, 5.647, 5.637, 0.010
2013-11-13 19:01:19, 5.637, 5.642, 5.632, 0.010
2013-11-13 19:01:34, 5.637, 5.642, 5.632, 0.010
2013-11-13 19:37:16, 5.646, 5.652, 5.640, 0.012
2013-11-13 19:37:31, 5.644, 5.649, 5.638, 0.011
2013-11-13 19:37:46, 5.643, 5.649, 5.638, 0.011
2013-11-13 19:38:01, 5.643, 5.649, 5.637, 0.012
2013-11-13 19:38:17, 5.643, 5.649, 5.637, 0.012
2013-11-13 19:38:32, 5.642, 5.648, 5.636, 0.012
mgalloy commented 1 week ago

Updated daily image scale plots:

20131113 kcor daily image_scale

Updated mission image scale plots:

20131113 kcor mission image_scale

mgalloy commented 4 days ago

Mission image scale from the 2013 reprocessing:

20131231 kcor mission image_scale