NCAR / lrose-HawkEdit

Repository to track HawkEdit development. HawkEdit is part of the LROSE project and is being developed to replace Solo
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Status Panel display of navigation corrections #63

Closed leavesntwigs closed 1 year ago

leavesntwigs commented 1 year ago

In the default display of navigation corrections, whenever the data has yet to be edited, if you use the time slider to pull up a new file in the directory, the data goes back to uncorrected. To remedy this, you can click the apply corrections toggle, and then dismiss the error message with "cancel" and it pulls them back up. Once you start editing and are within the undo/redo stack, this goes away. However, every time you undo an edit back to the original field at the end of the stack, the corrections are no longer applied again.

leavesntwigs commented 1 year ago

reported by Alex D.

leavesntwigs commented 1 year ago

HawkEdit does not apply correction factors; it only reads the information Please use RadxConvert to apply correction factors.