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Ngl contour_map freezing my computer #13

Open mada0007 opened 5 years ago

mada0007 commented 5 years ago

I try running ngl contour plot with this code

from future import print_function import numpy #

Import the masked array module.

# from numpy import ma as MA import os


Import Ngl support functions.

# import Ngl


Import Nio for a NetCDF reader.

# import Nio


To use the ScientificPython module to read in the netCDF file,

comment out the above "import" command, and uncomment the

import line below.


from Scientific.IO.NetCDF import NetCDFFile


Open the netCDF files, get variables.

# data_dir = Ngl.pynglpath("data") ice1 = Nio.open_file(os.path.join(data_dir,"cdf","/Users/mada0007/Documents/correct_data/"),"r")


This is the ScientificPython method for opening a netCDF file.


ice1 = NetCDFFile(data_dir + "/cdf/","r")


Create a masked array to accommodate missing values in the fice variable.

# fice = ice1.variables["SPI3"] # fice[120,49,100] ficea = fice[:,:,:] fill_value = None if (hasattr(fice,"missing_value")): fill_value = fice.missing_value elif (hasattr(fice,"_FillValue")): fill_value = fice._FillValue fice_masked = MA.transpose(MA.masked_values(ficea,fill_value),(1,2,0))

hlat = ice1.variables["lat"] # hlat[49] hlon = ice1.variables["lon"] # hlon[100]

dimf = fice.shape # Define an array to hold long-term monthly means. ntime = fice.shape[0] nhlat = fice.shape[1] nhlon = fice.shape[2]

nmo = 0 month = nmo+1

icemon = MA.zeros((nhlat,nhlon),dtype=float) for i in range(fice_masked.shape[0]): for j in range(fice_masked.shape[1]): icemon[i,j] = MA.average(fice_masked[i,j,0:ntime:12])


Fill the places where icemon is zero with the fill value.

# icemon = MA.masked_values(icemon,0.,rtol=0.,atol=1.e-15) icemon = MA.filled(icemon,fill_value)

                   # Calculate the January (nmo=0) average.

nsub = 16 # Subscript location of northernmost hlat to be plotted.

cmap = numpy.array([ \ [1.00,1.00,0.50], [0.00,0.00,0.50], [0.50,1.00,1.00], \ [0.50,0.00,0.00], [1.00,0.00,1.00], [0.00,1.00,1.00], \ [1.00,1.00,0.00], [0.00,0.00,1.00], [0.00,1.00,0.00], \ [1.00,0.00,0.00] ],dtype=float)

wks_type = "png" wks = Ngl.open_wks(wks_type,"ngl09p")

resources = Ngl.Resources()

Add a longitude cyclic point

icemonnew,hlonnew = Ngl.add_cyclic(icemon[0:nsub+1,:],hlon[:])

resources.sfMissingValueV = fill_value resources.cnFillPalette = cmap resources.sfXArray = hlonnew # Necessary for overlay on a map. resources.sfYArray = hlat[0:nsub+1] resources.tiMainString = "CSM Y00-99 Mean Ice Fraction Month ={}".format(month)

resources.pmTickMarkDisplayMode = "Never"

map = Ngl.contour_map(wks,icemonnew,resources) # Draw a contour

over a map.

nmos = 12 # Specify the number of months in the loop (max 120). for nmo in range(1,nmos): month = nmo+1 for i in range(fice_masked.shape[0]): for j in range(fice_masked.shape[1]): icemon[i,j] = MA.average(fice_masked[i,j,nmo:ntime:12]) icemon = MA.masked_values(icemon,0.,rtol=0.,atol=1.e-15) icemon = MA.filled(icemon,fill_value)

resources.tiMainString = "CSM Y00-99 Mean Ice Fraction Month ={}".format(month) map = \ Ngl.contour_map(wks,Ngl.add_cyclic(icemon[0:nsub+1,:]),resources)

del icemon # Clean up. del icemonnew del map


Almost the time I use this function, my computer hungs and I have to restart. How can I resolve this? Thanks

KMFleischer commented 4 years ago

Without the clean code and the data it is hard to tell what is going wrong.

Put a few prints in your code to see how long each part run (you use a few for statements with average) and where it blocks your computer.