NCAR / ucomp-pipeline

Data processing pipeline for UCoMP
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L2 header processing comments #212

Closed bberkeyU closed 1 year ago

bberkeyU commented 1 year ago

The L2 headers don't appear to have specific information about the L2 processing code. The closest information in the header is in the COMMENT --- Level 1 processing info --- section, the LEVEL keyword value of "L2".

I think there could be some confusion for future data users.


$ ~mgalloy/bin/ucomp cat -r 20220831.195959.ucomp.1074.l2.fts
SIMPLE  =                    T / image conforms to FITS standard
JUL_DATE=    2459823.333321760 / [days] Julian date
RSUN_OBS=               950.72 / [arcsec] solar radius using ref radius 959.63"
R_SUN   =               322.93 / [pixel] solar radius
**COMMENT --- Level 1 processing info ---**
**LEVEL   = 'L2      '           / level 2 calibrated**
DOI     = '' / Digital Object Identifier
**DATE_DP = '2023-11-07T00:37:44' / [UT] L1 processing date/time**
***DPSWID  = '0.5.1-dev [2b873b19*]' / L1 processing software (2023-11-06) [master]**
LIN_CRCT=                    F / camera linearity corrected
DEMODV  =                    1 / demod coeffs version [2023-05-15T10:07:04Z]
CONTSUB =                    T / whether the continuum was subtracted
CAMERAS = 'both    '           / cameras used in processing
BOPAL   =                14.80 / [B/Bsun] opal radiance
BUNIT   = '1.0E-06 B/Bsun'     / brightness with respect to solar disk
COMMENT --- Quality metrics ---
VCROSSTK=              1.56188 / Stokes V crosstalk metric
MED_BKG =               12.893 / [ppm] median of line center background annulus

Should add a level 2 processing section in the header:

COMMENT --- Level 2 processing info ---
DATE_DP2= '2023-11-07T00:37:44' / [UT] L2 processing date/time
DPSWID2 = '0.5.1-dev [2b873b19*]' / L2 processing software (2023-11-06) [master]


mgalloy commented 1 year ago

Currently, the level 1 processing section looks like:

COMMENT --- Level 1 processing info ---
LEVEL   = 'L2      '           / level 2 calibrated
DOI     = '' / Digital Object Identifier
DATE_DP = '2023-11-07T23:40:06' / [UT] L1 processing date/time
DPSWID  = '0.5.1-dev [cdfea6d9*]' / L1 processing software (2023-11-07) [master]
LIN_CRCT=                    F / camera linearity corrected
DEMODV  =                    1 / demod coeffs version [2023-05-15T10:07:04Z]
CONTSUB =                    T / whether the continuum was subtracted
CAMERAS = 'both    '           / cameras used in processing
BOPAL   =                14.40 / [B/Bsun] opal radiance
BUNIT   = '1.0E-06 B/Bsun'     / brightness with respect to solar disk

Should LEVEL and BUNIT actually be in the "Basic Info" section?

And, there is actually one level 2 processing keyword, D_LAMBDA.

mgalloy commented 1 year ago

Here is the level 2 processing section:

COMMENT --- Level 2 processing info ---
DATE_DP2= '2023-11-09T20:07:52' / [UT] L2 processing date/time
DPSWID2 = '0.5.1-dev [29359b8c*]' / L2 processing software (2023-11-09) [master]
D_LAMBDA=               0.1101 / [nm] wavelength spacing
mgalloy commented 1 year ago

OK, the level 1 section nows looks like:

COMMENT --- Level 1 processing info ---
DOI     = '' / Digital Object Identifier
DATE_DP = '2023-11-09T21:50:00' / [UT] L1 processing date/time
DPSWID  = '0.5.1-dev [24e63e6f*]' / L1 processing software (2023-11-09) [master]
LIN_CRCT=                    F / camera linearity corrected
DEMODV  =                    1 / demod coeffs version [2023-05-15T10:07:04Z]
CONTSUB =                    T / whether the continuum was subtracted
CAMERAS = 'both    '           / cameras used in processing
BOPAL   =                14.40 / [B/Bsun] opal radiance

The level 2 processing section:

COMMENT --- Level 2 processing info ---
DATE_DP2= '2023-11-09T22:03:09' / [UT] L2 processing date/time
DPSWID2 = '0.5.1-dev [24e63e6f*]' / L2 processing software (2023-11-09) [master]
D_LAMBDA=               0.1101 / [nm] wavelength spacing

The Basic info section:

COMMENT --- Basic info ---
ORIGIN  = 'NCAR/HAO'           / Institution
INSTRUME= 'UCoMP'              / Upgraded Coronal Multichannel Polarimeter
TELESCOP= '20 cm One Shot'     / NSO One Shot telescope
LOCATION= 'MLSO'               / MLSO
OBSSWID = '1.0.6   '           / data collection software ID
DATE-OBS= '2022-09-01T18:25:31.61' / [UT] date/time when obs started
DATE-END= '2022-09-01T18:27:57.63' / [UT] date/time when obs ended
FILTER  = '1079    '           / [nm] prefilter wavelength region identifier
OBJECT  = 'SUN     '           /
BUNIT   = '1.0E-06 B/Bsun'     / brightness with respect to solar disk
LEVEL   = 'L1      '           / level 1 calibrated

The WCS section:

COMMENT --- World Coordinate System (WCS) info ---
WCSNAME = 'helioprojective-cartesian' / World Coordinate System (WCS) name
CDELT1  =                2.943 / [arcsec/pixel] image X increment = platescale
CDELT2  =                2.943 / [arcsec/pixel] image Y increment = platescale
CRPIX1  =                640.5 / [pixel] occulter X center (index origin=1)
CTYPE1  = 'HPLN-TAN'           / helioprojective west angle: solar X
CRVAL1  =                 0.00 / [arcsec] occulter X sun center
CUNIT1  = 'arcsec  '           / unit of CRVAL1
CRPIX2  =                512.5 / [pixel] occulter Y center (index origin=1)
CTYPE2  = 'HPLT-TAN'           / helioprojective north angle: solar Y
CRVAL2  =                 0.00 / [arcsec] occulter Y sun center
CUNIT2  = 'arcsec  '           / unit of CRVAL2
DSUN_OBS=       150966796857.6 / [m] distance to the Sun from observer
HGLN_OBS=                0.000 / [deg] Stonyhurst heliographic longitude
HGLT_OBS=                7.199 / [deg] Stonyhurst heliographic latitude
PC1_1   =                1.000 / coord transform matrix element (1, 1) WCS std.
PC1_2   =                0.000 / coord transform matrix element (1, 2) WCS std.
PC2_1   =                0.000 / coord transform matrix element (2, 1) WCS std.
PC2_2   =                1.000 / coord transform matrix element (2, 2) WCS std.
detoma commented 1 year ago

D_LAMBDA= 0.1101 / [nm] wavelength spacing

This is not correct. It should be 0.1100 or 0.1200 depending on the date. We had a ticket open on this at some point.