NCAR / ucomp-pipeline

Data processing pipeline for UCoMP
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Check centering against generated images #91

Closed mgalloy closed 1 year ago

mgalloy commented 1 year ago

From Steve:

I have generated some artificial occulter images. They are located in svn at: D:\HAO-IG\UCOMP\Integration and Testing\Centroid_Test in a sub folder named Images. The 300 images are stored as idl .sav files and each contain the image, the image offsets, dx and dy and the radius used to compute them. My software to create the images and analyze them is located there as well. I attach a plot of my results. Some takeaways: 1) I have modified my centroiding routine to use nx-1/2 as the center of the array 2) The 0.5 pixel difference in our derived radius was due to a bug in my centroiding which is now fixed Let me know if you have questions.

Plot of results

mgalloy commented 1 year ago

My results are below:

x-centoid  rms: 0.044, offset:  0.004
y-centoid  rms: 0.041, offset: -0.002
radius     rms: 0.025, offset: -0.012


Compared to Steve's:

x-centoid  rms: 0.055, offset:  0.001
y-centoid  rms: 0.053, offset: -0.001
radius     rms: 0.029, offset:  0.009