NCAR / wawg_dev

Repository for tracking CESM/WAWG development simulations
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f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag119fvitt_beres0.6 #13

Open sglanvil opened 8 months ago

sglanvil commented 8 months ago

Case Name f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag119fvitt_beres0.6 Keywords 2deg, ne16, WACCM, 135L, tag119, derecho, cam_dev, HBdiffMods

Case Dir
/glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/$CASE Run Dir /glade/derecho/scratch/sglanvil/$CASE/run Archive Dir /glade/campaign/acom/acom-climate/sglanvil/waccm_tuning/archive/$CASE

We were having issues with 2 deg WACCM on derecho (tag119). It would run one year/submit, make restarts, but fail to use those upon the first timestep of the second year/resubmit. See abandoned/closed issues #10 and #12 .

Francis Vitt then made source code for tag119 that would work on derecho for 2 deg WACCM. He said, "Here I updated PIO to version pio2_6_2 and ccs_config (machine scripts) to ccs_config_cesm0.0.75."

Variable Value
effgw_beres_dp 0.6D0
effgw_rdg_beta 1.2D0
effgw_rdg_beta_max 1.2D0
frontgfc 1.75D-15
taubgnd 1.25D-3
gw_qbo_hdepth_scaling 0.25D0
tau_0_ubc true
front_gaussian_width 30._r8

To find front_gaussian_width value, look here: /glade/work/fvitt/camdev/cam6_3_119/src/physics/cam/gw_drag.F90

ssh derecho

cd /glade/work/fvitt/camdev/cam6_3_119/cime/scripts

./create_newcase --compset FWmaHIST --res ne16pg3_ne16pg3_mg17 --case /glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag119fvitt_beres0.6 --run-unsupported --project P93300607

cd /glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag119fvitt_beres0.6


Edit env_build.xml
<entry id="CAM_CONFIG_OPTS" value="-phys cam_dev -nlev 135 -age_of_air_trcs -chem waccm_ma_mam5">

Copy (user_nl_cam) and (user_nl_clm) from here:
…and change beres=0.6

./xmlchange RUN_REFDATE=2000-01-01
./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=2000-01-01
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nmonths
./xmlchange STOP_N=12
./xmlchange DOUT_S_ROOT='/glade/campaign/acom/acom-climate/sglanvil/waccm_tuning/archive/$CASE'
./xmlchange RESUBMIT=9

Check env_workflow.xml for clock settings


Start with nsplit=4, and moved up to 5 around year 3.
sglanvil commented 7 months ago

Note, this case did not have the HB diffusion source mods! See issue #16 for a clone + those necessary mods.