NCAR / wawg_dev

Repository for tracking CESM/WAWG development simulations
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f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_ro3_r001_tag112_cam_dev #2

Open sglanvil opened 10 months ago

sglanvil commented 10 months ago

Case Name f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_ro3_r001_tag112_cam_dev Keywords 2deg, ne16, WACCM, 135L, tag112, cheyenne, cam_dev, noHBdiffMods

Case Dir
/glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_ro3_r001_tag112_cam_dev Run Dir /glade/scratch/sglanvil/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_ro3_r001_tag112_cam_dev/run Archive Dir /glade/scratch/sglanvil/archive/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_ro3_r001_tag112_cam_dev

Same as #1 but with cam_dev physics instead of cam6 physics.

ssh cheyenne
module load python/3.7.9

cd /glade/scratch/nadavis/ebudget_dev_update_newtag/cime/scripts

./create_clone --clone /glade/u/home/nadavis/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_ro3_r001 --case /glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_ro3_r001_tag112_cam_dev --cime-output-root /glade/scratch/sglanvil/

cd /glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_ro3_r001_tag112_cam_dev

edit env_build.xml: -phys cam_dev

qcmd -- ./

Note: make sure atm_in, lnd_in, user_nl*, sourcemods match Nick's ro2run003
Note: check env_build.xml: -phys cam_dev
Note: use se_nsplit=8
Note: effgw_beres_dp         = 1.3D0

git describe base dir: cam6_3_112 cime/scripts dir: cime6.0.94

Contact: Rolando Garcia, Nick Pedatella, Sasha Glanville

sglanvil commented 10 months ago

QBO in this run (cam_dev) vs run #1 (cam6)


DJF Zonal Mean U

zonal_wind_cam6phys_djf (1)

Tape Recorder of Water Vapor


NH Polar Cap (60-90deg) Temperature:


SH Polar Cap (60-90deg) Temperature:


December Zonal Mean T (big view)


June Zonal Mean T (big view)
