NCAR / wawg_dev

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sashaClone_f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag132_beres0.6 #20

Open sglanvil opened 6 months ago

sglanvil commented 6 months ago

Case Name sashaClone_f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag132_beres0.6 Keywords 2deg, ne16, WACCM, 135L, tag132, derecho, cam_dev

Case Dir
/glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/$CASE Run Dir /glade/derecho/scratch/sglanvil/$CASE/run Archive Dir /glade/campaign/acom/acom-climate/sglanvil/waccm_tuning/archive/$CASE

Clone of #15 to see if pes/pcols modifications increase the throughput from ~3 years to ~8 years. If this doesn't take it to ~8 years, than I think Peter may (possibly) be using a modified tag 132 source code, and that explains the throughput difference.

cd /glade/work/sglanvil/sourceCodes/cam6_3_132/cime/scripts

./create_clone --clone /glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag132_beres0.6 --case /glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/sashaClone_f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag132_beres0.6

cd /glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/sashaClone_f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_tag132_beres0.6


cp ~/cases/peterClone_acom_ne16pg3_ne16pg3_mg17_1536_long2/env_mach_pes.xml .
add -pcols 9 to env_build.xml
./xmlchange RESUBMIT=10

./ (need to delete some stuff in env_mach_pes.xml because peter’s file has something extra lines)

check clocks
