NCAR / wawg_dev

Repository for tracking CESM/WAWG development simulations
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f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne30pg3_mg17_L135_ro1_r001 #3

Open sglanvil opened 1 year ago

sglanvil commented 1 year ago

Case Name f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne30pg3_mg17_L135_ro1_r001 Keywords 1deg, ne30, WACCM, 135L, tag119, derecho, cam_dev, HBdiffMods

Case Dir
/glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne30pg3_mg17_L135_ro1_r001 Run Dir /glade/derecho/scratch/sglanvil/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne30pg3_mg17_L135_ro1_r001/run Archive Dir None because of initialization issues

Same as Cecile's 93L #374, but with WACCM 135L:

Cecile's 93L run on NCAR machines: /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/runs/cesm2_0/f.cam6_3_119.FMTHIST_ne30.r328_gamma0.33_soae.001

ssh derecho
cd /glade/work/hannay/cesm_tags/cam6_3_119/cime/scripts

./create_newcase --compset FWmaHIST --res ne30pg3_ne30pg3_mg17 --case /glade/u/home/sglanvil/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne30pg3_mg17_L135_ro1_r001 --run-unsupported --pecount 2160 --project p93300313

CESM source code (tag 119) did not work with Derecho compilers
Edit cmake_macros/intel_derecho.cmake
string(APPEND CFLAGS " -march=core-avx2 -Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration")

Edit env_build.xml
<entry id="CAM_CONFIG_OPTS" value="-phys cam_dev -nlev 135 -age_of_air_trcs -chem waccm_ma_mam5">

Edit user_nl_cam:
See Nick D's: /glade/u/home/nadavis/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne16pg3_mg17_L135_ro7_r001_newtag/user_nl_cam

! ncdata='/glade/work/nadavis/cesm_tools/'
interpolate_output = .true.,.false.,.true.
interpolate_nlat = 192,192,192
interpolate_nlon = 288,288,288

fincl1 = 'U','V','Q','T','PSL','OMEGA','PS','PRECT','OMEGA500','OMEGA850',
fincl2 = 'U','V','Q','T','PSL','OMEGA','PS','PRECT','OMEGA500','OMEGA850',
Fincl3 = 'Uzm','Vzm','Wzm','THzm','VTHzm','WTHzm','UVzm','UWzm'
avgflag_pertape    = 'A','A', 'A'
nhtfrq             = 0,-24,0

qbo_use_forcing              = .false.
clubb_gamma_coef = 0.33 
clubb_gamma_coefb = 0.33
effgw_rdg_beta = 0.5D0
effgw_rdg_beta_max = 0.5D0
gw_limit_tau_without_eff = .false. 
gw_lndscl_sgh = .true. 
gw_oro_south_fac = 1.d0 
tau_0_ubc = .true.
micro_mg_dcs = 500.D-6
micro_mg_vtrmi_factor = 1.0
microp_aero_wsubi_scale = 1.0
phys_grid_ctem_nfreq = -6
phys_grid_ctem_za_nlat = 90
phys_grid_ctem_zm_nbas = 120
se_sponge_del4_lev = 6
se_sponge_del4_nu_div_fac = 6
se_hypervis_subcycle = 2
se_hypervis_subcycle_q = 1
se_rsplit = 3
se_nsplit = 5
se_large_courant_incr          = .false.
se_statefreq       = 144
se_nu_top = 5E6

Edit user_nl_clm:
Copy Cecile’s + check differences from her CaseDocs/lnd_in + land options in env_run.xml
./xmlchange LND_TUNING_MODE=clm5_1_GSWP3v1
./xmlchange CLM_PHYSICS_VERSION=clm5_1

Copy all Source Mods from Cecile’s

We ended up using a spun-up IC file from Peter L. (see ncdata above).

See Peter's notes:

Contact: Simone Tilmes, Nick Pedatella, Sasha Glanville

sglanvil commented 1 year ago

The WACCM 1 deg run went from 1979-01 to 1982-06 and now has this old error: ERROR: negative moist layer thickness. timestep or remap time too large

Increased nsplit from 5 to 6 and resubmitted.

sglanvil commented 1 year ago

Got to 1984-06 and needed another nsplit increase

nsplit = 10

sglanvil commented 1 year ago
