Case Name
1deg, ne30, WACCM, 135L, tag gw_devel_b00, derecho, cam7
Case Dir
Run Dir
Archive Dir
Tag gw_devel_b00 (1 deg, Julio's tag)
Set up a WACCM run (135L) based on Julio's 93L run (tag gw_devel_b00)
turned off the moving mountain GWs
ssh derecho
git clone current_CAM
cd current_CAM
git checkout gw_devel_b00
bin/git-fleximod update
mv current_CAM gw_devel_b00 ; change directory name
;Julio's case
cd /glade/u/home/mijeong/cesm2/gw_devel_b00/cime/scripts
Case Name f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne30pg3_mg17_L135_c64_005_beres0.70 Keywords 1deg, ne30, WACCM, 135L, tag gw_devel_b00, derecho, cam7
Case Dir /glade/u/home/mijeong/cesm2/cases/$CASE Run Dir /glade/derecho/scratch/mijeong/$CASE/run Archive Dir /glade/campaign/acom/acom-climate/mijeong/archive/$CASE
Tag gw_devel_b00 (1 deg, Julio's tag) Set up a WACCM run (135L) based on Julio's 93L run (tag gw_devel_b00) turned off the moving mountain GWs
ssh derecho
git clone current_CAM cd current_CAM git checkout gw_devel_b00 bin/git-fleximod update mv current_CAM gw_devel_b00 ; change directory name
;Julio's case /glade/work/juliob/cam6_4_005_jtb/cases/c64_005_ne30pg3_FMTHIST_CTL_x00
cd /glade/u/home/mijeong/cesm2/gw_devel_b00/cime/scripts
./create_newcase --compset FWmaHIST --res ne30pg3_ne30pg3_mg17 --case /glade/u/home/mijeong/cesm2/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne30pg3_mg17_L135_c64_005_beres0.70 --run-unsupported --project P93300607
cd /glade/u/home/mijeong/cesm2/cases/f.e23.FWmaHIST.ne30pg3_mg17_L135_c64_005_beres0.70
Edit env_build.xml: ./xmlchange CAM_CONFIG_OPTS="-phys cam7 -nlev 135 -age_of_air_trcs -chem waccm_ma_mam5 -cppdefs -Dwaccm_debug -pcols 9"
Edit user_nl_cam:
dust_emis_fact = 1.3 ncdata='/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/pel/inic/' bnd_topo= '/glade/work/juliob/bndtopo/'
interpolate_output = .true.,.true.,.true.,.true. interpolate_nlat = 192,192,192,192 interpolate_nlon = 288,288,288,288
fincl1 = 'U','V','Q','T','PSL','OMEGA','PS','PRECT','OMEGA500','OMEGA850', fincl2 = 'U','V','Q','T','PSL','OMEGA','PS','PRECT','OMEGA500','OMEGA850', fincl3 = 'NETDT', 'HDEPTH', 'MAXQ0' fincl8 = 'Uzm','Vzm','Wzm','THzm', 'VTHzm','WTHzm','UVzm','UWzm'
mfilt = 0, 5, 20, 30 avgflag_pertape = 'A','A','I','A' nhtfrq = 0,-24,-6,-24
phys_grid_ctem_nfreq = -6 phys_grid_ctem_za_nlat = 90 phys_grid_ctem_zm_nbas = 120
! Uncomment this line if you want to turn-off the PBL-based moving mountain GWs use_gw_movmtn_pbl = .false.
qbo_use_forcing = .false. use_gw_rdg_beta = .true. use_gw_convect_dp = .true. use_gw_front = .true.
effgw_beres_dp = 0.70D0 gw_qbo_hdepth_scaling = 0.25D0 effgw_cm = 1.0D0 effgw_rdg_beta = 1.2D0 effgw_rdg_beta_max = 1.2D0 gw_top_taper = .false.
inithist = 'YEARLY'
se_statefreq = 144 se_rsplit = 2 se_nsplit = 4
XMLchanges: ./xmlchange RUN_REFDATE=1980-01-01 ./xmlchange RUN_STARTDATE=1980-01-01 ./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nmonths ./xmlchange STOP_N=3 ./xmlchange CONTINUE_RUN=FALSE ./xmlchange RESUBMIT=4 ./xmlchange DOUT_S_SAVE_INTERIM_RESTART_FILES=TRUE ./xmlchange DOUT_S_ROOT=/glade/campaign/acom/acom-climate/mijeong/archive/\$CASE ./xmlchange DOUT_S=TRUE
;env_mach_pes.xml ./xmlchange NTASKS=-20 ; 20*128=2160
Check env_workflow.xml for clock settings <"JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME" value = "12:00:00"> <"JOB_WALLCLOCK_TIME" value = "03:00:00">
./ ./preview_namelists ./preview_run ./case.submit