NCAR / wrf-python

A collection of diagnostic and interpolation routines for use with output from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF-ARW) Model.
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Wrf-python package "uvmet10_wspd_wdir" #233

Open ditsiaou opened 3 months ago

ditsiaou commented 3 months ago

I understand that wrf.getvar will give both the speed (dim 0) and the direction (dim 1) where the direction is from where the wind comes:

V1 = wrf.getvar(ncdin, "uvmet10_wspd_wdir", units="m s-1",timeidx=wrf.ALL_TIMES,meta=False)[1,...]

according to

But, I would like to ask about the way that direction is provided by the package. 0 degrees is wind from the north, 90 from the east etc?

For example if the output for dim 1 is 45 the wind is northestearn?