Many places in the existing MPI communication code are using sub-optimal communication patterns. For example uses send and recv in a loop to achieve the results of using mpi_scatter, mpi_gather, mpi_reduce, or mpi_allreduce.
Expected Behavior
Where possible high level communications functions should be used instead of send and recv based logic
Current Behavior
Mpi_send and mpi_recv are being used in places where better communication functions exist.
Possible Solution
Change communication functions to use high level mpi functions when possible
Many places in the existing MPI communication code are using sub-optimal communication patterns. For example uses send and recv in a loop to achieve the results of using mpi_scatter, mpi_gather, mpi_reduce, or mpi_allreduce.
Expected Behavior
Where possible high level communications functions should be used instead of send and recv based logic
Current Behavior
Mpi_send and mpi_recv are being used in places where better communication functions exist.
Possible Solution
Change communication functions to use high level mpi functions when possible