NCAS-CMS / cf-view

Exploration and plotting GUI for netCDF and Met Office format data
MIT License
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Need to move Andy's documentation to an NCAS location #18

Closed bnlawrence closed 2 months ago

bnlawrence commented 2 months ago

And move all the links in the various setup, readme, etc code.

sadielbartholomew commented 2 months ago

Hi @bnlawrence, thanks for raising this. I agree! I was due to start compiling issues for cf-view (of which this would be one the first as most urgent) though I am still trying to work through some major work towards getting cf-plot in a state I'd feel comfortable developing on (e.g. code standards, modularisation and getting the docs hosted centrally via NCAS-CMS, likewise there). But I should show cf-view some love too at this stage!

Andy provided a tarball of cf-view docs, so I can start work on that next week (I'm at a workshop today until Thursday inclusive so not much time this week). Hope that timeline sounds OK.