NCATComp410 / comp410_summer_2024

Repo for the summer 2024 class
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Detect CREDIT_CARD #15

Open emaniem opened 2 weeks ago

emaniem commented 2 weeks ago

Considering that credit card information is classified as personal identifiable information, it is critical to identify and safeguard such information within today's digital landscape. Credit card information, including card numbers, expiration dates, and CVV codes, is highly sought out by cybercriminals for its potential to facilitate unauthorized transactions and identity theft. Data breaches concerning credit card information primarily occur through sophisticated cyberattacks exploiting vulnerabilities in digital systems and networks through malware, hacking, and social engineering techniques.

It is also worth noting the direct connection that credit card usage has to the contribution of the credit score that ultimately determine ones ability to borrow, buy, or rent just about any desired asset. Therefore, strategic measures must be implemented to protect this sensitive data and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

For more insight, check out resource 1 and 2 for more information.

TiSuaBeh commented 2 weeks ago

Assuming someone has gotten a new card with the same account as their previous one, in what way can you determine which card is the most recent and eligible to use?

donper7 commented 2 weeks ago

How can businesses implement strategic measures to protect credit card information from sophisticated cyberattacks and ensure compliance with data protection regulations?

Jazgreen03 commented 2 weeks ago

What are some proactive steps an individual can take to safeguard their credit card information, considering the potential consequences of unauthorized access or misuse.

emaniem commented 2 weeks ago

What are some proactive steps an individual can take to safeguard their credit card information, considering the potential consequences of unauthorized access or misuse.

Best practices to safeguard credit card information can range from: utilizing strong passwords and enabling two-factor authentication when accessing credit card applications, to monitoring account statements regularly, avoiding public Wi-Fi for transactions, and using secure websites for transactions.

emaniem commented 2 weeks ago

How can businesses implement strategic measures to protect credit card information from sophisticated cyberattacks and ensure compliance with data protection regulations?

Businesses can protect credit card information by using encryption and firewalls, implementing strong access controls, conducting regular security audits, and complying with PCI DSS and data protection regulations.

emaniem commented 2 weeks ago

Assuming someone has gotten a new card with the same account as their previous one, in what way can you determine which card is the most recent and eligible to use?

To determine which card is the most recent and eligible to use, we can refer to the expiration dates. The old card will have a shorter expiration time frame in comparison to the new card. The newer card with the later expiration date is typically the active one.