NCATS-Gamma / robokop

Master UI for ROBOKOP
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WF4 queries: disease or phenotypic feature -> gene -> biological process/activity -> gene -> drug #279

Open karafecho opened 5 years ago

karafecho commented 5 years ago


See ICEES_FeatureVariables and ICEES_Identifiers here for diagnoses. Note that these docs are updated as new variables are added to the ICEES integrated feature tables.


Note that the second gene hop was added per ROBOKOP Neo4J constraints. If we can avoid this, great; if not, that's fine, too.

{ "name": "Gamma WF4 template", "natural_question": "disease or phenotypic feature to gene to biological process/activity to gene to drug", "notes": "", "machine_question": { "nodes": [ { "id": "n0", "curie": "MONDO:0008300", "name": "ObesityDx", "type": "disease or phenotypic feature" }, { "id": "n1", "type": "gene" }, { "id": "n2", "type": "biological_process_or_activity" }, { "id": "n3", "type": "gene" }, { "id": "n4", "type": "drug" } ], "edges": [ { "id": "e0", "source_id": "n0", "target_id": "n1" }, { "id": "e1", "source_id": "n1", "target_id": "n2" }, { "id": "e2", "source_id": "n2", "target_id": "n3" } ] } }

karafecho commented 5 years ago

ROBOKOP queries can be pre-computed for this workflow using all available ICEES phenotypes/diagnoses. Example ICEES queries are included below as an FYI:

curl -k -XPOST https://localhost:8080/1.0.0/patient/2010/cohort/COHORT:22/associations_to_all_features -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"feature":{"TotalEDInpatientVisits":{"operator":"<", "value":2}},"maximum_p_value":0.1}' -H "Accept: application/json"

curl -k -XPOST https://localhost:8080/1.0.0/patient/2010/cohort/COHORT:22/associations_to_all_features -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"feature":{"ur":{"operator":"=", "value":"U"}},"maximum_p_value":0.1}' -H "Accept: application/json"

curl -k -XPOST https://localhost:8080/1.0.0/patient/2010/cohort/COHORT:22/associations_to_all_features -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"feature":{"Sex2":{"operator":"=", "value":"Male"}},"maximum_p_value":0.1}' -H "Accept: application/json"