NCATS-Gamma / robokop

Master UI for ROBOKOP
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High-level schema of ROBOKOP KG #521

Open karafecho opened 4 years ago

karafecho commented 4 years ago

Is this schema accurate (from a soon-to-be-published manuscript)?


I'm wondering if 'genetic variant' is incorrect and should be replaced by 'genetic condition'. I'm also questioning the connections between nodes.

cbizon commented 4 years ago

"Genetic variant" should be replaced by "sequence variant" (e.g. snps). "genetic condition" has been removed b/c it's not a valid biolink term. (I think genetic condition is now a boolean property on diseases).

Otherwise, it all looks correct to me. Is there some other specific thing that looks weird to you?

karafecho commented 4 years ago

I see. The UI is confusing because you can select 'genetic condition' as a node, but you won't have any answers returned. I was expecting 'genetic variant', but didn't see that option and didn't think of searching for 'sequence variant', so the schema node seemed questionable to me.

Regarding the edges, I just wanted to verify that they were correct, so thanks.

I think I have an editable version of the schema; if not, I'll ask Kelsey to update the schema. In terms of the publication, I'll swap out schemas during the proofing stage. However, I also think we should make the schema accessible from the UI. Of course, we'll need to update it from time to time, but I think users will find it helpful.

karafecho commented 4 years ago

Updated schema: Figure1_revised2

cbizon commented 4 years ago

Looks good, thanks.