NCATS-Tangerine / ncats-ingest

Management of ingestion of sources for NCATS-translator
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Dipper ingest of CTD data into SciGraph #29

Open mbrush opened 7 years ago

mbrush commented 7 years ago

"Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) is a robust, publicly available database that aims to advance understanding about how environmental exposures affect human health. Contains diverse data types, some directly curated from literature, some integrated from other knowledgebases, and others inferred withing CTD itself"

Data to be ingested on first pass is TBD. @mbrush and @dnahotline will explore data to determine what data types and downloads/tables we will target, guided by Fanconi CQs and use cases. 'Exposure-study' associations and 'exposure-event' associations and 'chemical-gene' associations look promising. We will also want to pull in @stevencox and maybe others from Green Team to understand their requirements for this source.

Data downloads (tsv or xml) are here:;jsessionid=D24CA8B2EA5D2E434FD14D9783F2D774

Some technical documentation here: