This addition will check if the nodes returned by icees are supported by node normalization service. If they are not supported (eg population_of_individual_organism) they are left alone. if they are supported but unknown by NN service , they are dropped from the answer set consequently knowledge graph edge and nodes are also updated not to contain them.
If they are supported and NN knows of them , then ids and labels are updated with values from nn in the knowledge graph nodes and thier corresponding edge refreneces (source_id and/or target_id) are updated.
This addition will check if the nodes returned by icees are supported by node normalization service. If they are not supported (eg population_of_individual_organism) they are left alone. if they are supported but unknown by NN service , they are dropped from the answer set consequently knowledge graph edge and nodes are also updated not to contain them. If they are supported and NN knows of them , then ids and labels are updated with values from nn in the knowledge graph nodes and thier corresponding edge refreneces (source_id and/or target_id) are updated.