NCATS-Tangerine / tranql

A Translator Query Language
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General Question re Query Errors #49

Open karafecho opened 4 years ago

karafecho commented 4 years ago

@stevencox : I can either post errors the minute they arise for developers to explore, as I've done today, or I can spend just a little bit of time investigating the issue(s). I'd prefer the latter, but the discussion during Monday's meeting leads me to believe that you'd prefer the former. I can see the value in both approaches: one demonstrates a typical user's interaction (and frustration) with the app; the other allows a team member (and user) to better understand the general design, strengths, and limitations of the tool, especially as it matures and moves from prototype to production. Please advise.

stevencox commented 4 years ago

Ya, this is a great point. I'm hoping we can have our cake and eat it too:

I'd like to involve @mmersmann in the first part. Namely, share with @mmersmann right away then further explore and share findings. So as our product manager, I'd like her to collect stories and a sense of user frustrations.

Then she can

What do you think?