NCATSTranslator / Clinical-Data-Committee-Tracking-Voting

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Clinical Data Modeling - Y3 Prioritization #3 - Feature Variable Representation #12

Open karafecho opened 2 years ago

karafecho commented 2 years ago

This issue is intended to (1) identify specific use cases for existing feature variables that can/cannot be represented properly using existing ontologies plus modifiers/qualifiers and (2) generate a rough estimate of the proportion of existing feature variables that cannot be represented properly using existing ontologies plus modifiers/qualifiers. Please see this sheet and also comment.

karafecho commented 2 years ago

Committee reviewed this issue during their 12/08/2021 meeting and decided to defer any decisions until their next meeting on 01/05/2022. Committee members were tasked with coming to that meeting prepared with example use cases, especially for labs.

sierra-moxon commented 2 years ago please don't be intimidated by the spreadsheet :) -- if you have a better way of listing use cases, please just go ahead and we can work together in the interviews we conduct or offline to represent the use cases in this spreadsheet. But if you're looking for a template to add to, this is available. :) Thank you so much