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Pregnenolone succinate - Can't find evidence it's Indicated for Disease #588

Closed sstemann closed 3 months ago

sstemann commented 11 months ago


the link out says:


tagging @newgene and @brettasmi - I'm not sure if this is coming from Improving or from the annotator.

gglusman commented 11 months ago


sstemann commented 11 months ago

is this where the UI is getting the "indicated for" tag from?

gglusman commented 11 months ago

It seems to be getting it via Chembl from Clinical Trials: The paper I linked is the one reporting the results of the completed trial.

sstemann commented 11 months ago

thanks for the paper, i'm still hoping to understand where the indicated for disease tag is coming from. It's been raised by our FDA and pharma alumni.

newgene commented 11 months ago

I know annotator does provide this max_phase info from Chembl, will need UI team to confirm if annotator is the source for rendering this table column.

sstemann commented 11 months ago

@gprice1129 it looks like, the Chembl max_phase in this example is "2" "clinical candidate drug". i don't think that's the same as indicated for. can you confirm?

gprice1129 commented 11 months ago

We get the "indicated for" tag directly from the annotator by way of the chembl.indications attribute. @newgene @sstemann

brettasmi commented 11 months ago

imProving returns the max_phase attribute for indication edges from CHEMBL.

newgene commented 11 months ago

@sstemann the indications data from the annotator for this particular drug is returned as this:

cbizon commented 8 months ago

The attribute should only be applied in the UI if the annotation is in chembl indications AND the Phase = 4. Per @vdancik at Jan Relay

sstemann commented 7 months ago

@gprice1129 it looks like the max_phase_for_ind is 4. Can you please update the UI to apply indicated for as Vlado recommended at the relay?


gprice1129 commented 7 months ago

@sstemann this is an issue we are planning to fix this cycle.

sstemann commented 5 months ago

@gprice1129 I believe this is still an issue, in Test



there are 38 drugs in the Drugs Indicated for Autism filter and i just don't think that's correct

sstemann commented 4 months ago

This continues to be an issue - for Autism in the Test UI on 4/29 - Oxytocin is Drug Indicated for - but according to its label, DrugBank its indicated for antepartum to initiate or improve uterine contractions.


The CTs that are linked - inidicate Phase 2for the Oxytocin - Autism

gglusman commented 4 months ago

Checked our upcoming KPs:

FDA approvals: indeed none of the 38 labels for oxytocin indicate it for ASD. Clinical Trials: there is a clinical trial at phase 4 for Syntocinon (Oxytocin) for Autism Spectrum Disorders.

sstemann commented 3 months ago

this is nice also:
