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Query Selection Requires User to select from Auto-complete which is not entirely intuitive #827

Open TranslatorIssueCreator opened 2 months ago

TranslatorIssueCreator commented 2 months ago

Type: Bug Report



Steps to reproduce:

type in query. return not working


sstemann commented 2 months ago

not sure how to troubleshoot this - i typed in Bethlem Myopathy and it ran. I copied and paste and the type ahead still popped up and ran.

dnsmith124 commented 2 months ago

It sounds like this user didn't click on one of the items in the autocomplete, instead they just typed in a search term and hit Enter, which doesn't actually submit anything.

We could possibly update the functionality such that hitting the Enter/Return key auto-selects the first term that returns in the autocomplete and then fires off the query. It would solve this user's problem, but also could result in an outcome that might be even more odd, namely typing in something and then hitting enter, only to be greeted by results for a query that you didn't intend to make. This could happen in the case of Heart Disease, which actually returns "Congenital Heart Disease" as the first result in the autocomplete.

@Genomewide thoughts on the above? Is it a worthy trade-off?

gprice1129 commented 2 months ago

The UI team needs to discuss internally before assigned to a release.

Genomewide commented 2 months ago

yes, we need to discuss this. My first bad idea is that a popup could show if they hit return that explains that due to the breadth of answers possible that have to be tied to a specific id to run the query, they must select from the autocomplete dropdown. Unless there is another interaction out there on the interwebs that makes sense?

OR - second bad idea - we send them to a page that says this does not match any named entity in translator. and that we recommend selecting from the drop down. BUT if their phrase matches exactly some node then just run it?

gprice1129 commented 2 months ago

The UI team will be discussing a number of autocomplete bar improvements but will not implement for the next release.

sstemann commented 2 weeks ago


if you copy and paste a term, you may not notice or understand the message in red.