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Example of Questionable first result MVP1 Malignant Pancreative Neoplasm #845

Open saramsey opened 2 months ago

saramsey commented 2 months ago

In the system, just now, I ran a test query "What drugs may treat conditions related to malignant pancreatic neoplasm?".

Here is a link to the results:

The first result, "Interleukin 1, Beta", is scored 5 out of 5 and has the following two explanatory graphs:

Interleukin 1, Beta -[causes increased activity of]- IDO1 -[associated with]- malignant pancreatic neoplasm
Interleukin 1, Beta -[causes increased activity of]- NGF -[associated with]- malignant pancreatic neoplasm

These paths don't seem to justify a score of 5 out of 5 for this result. I note that in a rodent study, overexpression if IL1beta induces gastric inflammation and cancer:

Of course, neither that study nor the two above result graphs mean for certain that IL1-beta is wrong as a result for the query, but I'm respectfully questioning the 5 out of 5 score for this result.

saramsey commented 2 months ago

Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 1 06 46 PM

sstemann commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure how the rank is calculated other than its from Appraiser. here is the backend O&O components from Appraiser malignant pancreatic neoplasm_test_2024_7-8_14_53_3972dc9b-ca4b-4065-aa6c-70b795593d75.xlsx in the flattened Excel. Asking O&O to take a look.

subjectNode_name interleukin-1, beta UMLS:C0021753 nivolumab UNII:31YO63LBSN cetuximab PUBCHEM.CPD:14122979 ramucirumab UNII:D99YVK4L0X
rank 1 2 3 4
sugeno_score 1 1 1 1
comp_confidence_score 1 .97 .97 .86
comp_novelty_score 0 0 0 0
comp_clinical_evidence_score 0 1 1 1
weighted_mean_score 0.48 0.94 0.94 0.88
normalized_score 100 81.2 80.8 29
ARAX_score 0 0 0 0
unsecret_score 1 0 0 0
improving_agent_score 0 0.36 0.37 0.4
biothings_explorer_score 0 0.95 0.95 0.76
aragorn_score 0 0 0 0
sharatisrani commented 1 month ago

there are two factors here: why did unsecret rate this so high, and whether there are enough pathological cases where one ARA thinks so highly that the confidence (and thus sugeno) scores are distorted. Assigning primarily to @webyrd at this point.

There is a bunch of issues of this nature that have been filed lately, and this can be one datapoint in informing @dkoslicki @Rosinaweber .

Rosinaweber commented 1 month ago

Like the previous, we are examining these and will make sure these can all be fixed still in this phase.