NCATSTranslator / Feedback

A repo for tracking gaps in Translator data and finding ways to fill them.
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Feedback from SME meeting - P. Watkins #868

Open karafecho opened 2 months ago

karafecho commented 2 months ago

Posting feedback from meeting with Paul Watkins, SME, July 16, 2024. Note that Paul has been engaged with Translator from nearly the beginning of the program, so some of his feedback reflects that experience. I still need to unpack this issue, but I'm posting it just so I don't lose Paul's feedback. We tested in TEST (eel).

We started off our meeting with me giving Paul a quick demo of the UI, primarily to set expectations. He had seen a demonstration version but not the alpha public release. Interestingly, Paul's first reaction was "What is the purpose of Translator?" I think his reaction was based largely on the fact that there were only five available questions. He particularly found the four MVP2 questions to be of limited value, in terms of the types of questions he was interested in. (See more below.)

After my quick demo, Paul took over. He jumped around a lot during the session, in part because I think he was a bit frustrated, but I captured three PKs.

The first query was for MVP1. Paul typed in “hepatosteatosis”, which was not found. His natural instinct was to assume the concept/disease simply wasn’t available. He needed prompting to search for a synonym, e.g., “hepatic steatosis”. This might be worth addressing in the FAQ page or somewhere. [Note that this was not the best way to start the session!]

Toward the end of the session, I brought up the MCQ and Pathfinder queries and showed him some examples. Paul definitely found these capabilities to be more interesting than the MVP1 or MVP2 queries (and especially the MVP2 queries), which is encouraging.