NCATSTranslator / Feedback

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DrugBank is proprietary - Can NCATS reach out to see if Translator can be granted permission, as was done with SNOMED? #89

Open karafecho opened 1 year ago

karafecho commented 1 year ago

This issue arose during a TAQA call. Specifically, Vlado noted that the next deployment of MolePro will not include drug-gene relationships due to licensing issues with DrugBank. Vlado has not received any response from DrugBank when he's reached out. Note that DrugBank provides roughly 25% of all drug-gene relationships in Translator, so the loss of the data will have a notable impact. A decision was therefore made for NCATS to discuss the issue internally to determine if it makes sense to reach out to the AMA, as was done with SNOMED. Creating a ticket here to circle back to previous discussions. Also see #63.

sierra-moxon commented 4 months ago

@cartmanbeck - did we resolve the licensing issues with DrugBank or shall we keep this ticket open?

karafecho commented 4 months ago

My understanding is that preliminary approval has been obtained, but NCATS is waiting on "official" approval.

codewarrior2000 commented 4 months ago

In early 2023, MolePro and NCATS had submitted a "Terms of Service" document to DrugBank's CEO Michael Wilson for review and approval as a condition for gaining access to their drug-gene relationships. Subsequent and repeated entreaties to the CEO for any opinions have gone unanswered.

@sierra-moxon We need to keep this ticket open.

karafecho commented 4 months ago

The licensing information that Tyler added to the DrugBank wiki page can be found here: @cartmanbeck : Any updates?