NCATSTranslator / ReasonerAPI

NCATS Biomedical Translator Reasoners Standard API
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add a limit to batch size #287

Closed vdancik closed 3 years ago

vdancik commented 3 years ago

Add a limit to batch size to prevent runaway queries with large batches

patrickkwang commented 3 years ago

Thanks, @vdancik! This is a discussion that needs to happen. The Ranking Agent team has at this point shifted entirely from a parallel-requests approach to a batched-requests approach, but we've observed that some KPs don't love receiving 1000+ CURIEs at once. My general feeling is that this is still the right approach, because it permits the KP all of the information/power to optimize performance at the web framework/handler level. If we divide them into multiple requests, on the other hand, they have to handle it at the server level, which seems typically harder.

I'm interested to hear from KPs about how the tradeoffs play out for them.

patrickkwang commented 3 years ago

Replaced by #294.