NCATSTranslator / Relay

Autonomous relay system for NCATS Biomedical Data Translator
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Edges look duplicative in UI, but not ARS Merge or ARAX Source #630

Open sstemann opened 3 weeks ago

sstemann commented 3 weeks ago

Test UI > MVP1 > Stickler Syndrome:


LRP2 Red Path - Edges EPC

SCO2 Purple Path - Edges EPC

FBN2 Yellow Path - Edges EPC

In the ARAX GUI the merged result support graph seems to only have one edge from INSR to the intermediary gene. I can't figure out why there are SO many paths in the UI


MarkDWilliams commented 2 weeks ago

For the Apidra result, I see one aux graph, which has one edge, but in the analyses, there is an edge which has as a attribute a support graph and that support graph has 9 edges.

Within analyses, we have this edge:

creative_DTD_prediction_1 (PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:16136701 --biolink:treats_or_applied_or_studied_to_treat--> MONDO:001935)

The edge itself has a support_graph in attributes which is aux_graph_2_creative_DTD_option_group_0

and contains the following edges: infores:rtx-kg2:NCBIGene:4036-biolink:gene_associated_with_condition-MONDO:0019354-infores:diseases infores:rtx-kg2:PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:16136701-biolink:affects-NCBIGene:3643-infores:drugbank infores:rtx-kg2:NCBIGene:2201-biolink:gene_associated_with_condition-MONDO:0019354-infores:diseases infores:rtx-kg2:NCBIGene:3643-biolink:physically_interacts_with-NCBIGene:2201-infores:intact infores:rtx-kg2:NCBIGene:3643-biolink:physically_interacts_with-NCBIGene:9997-infores:intact infores:rtx-kg2:PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:16136701-biolink:affects-NCBIGene:3643-infores:dgidb infores:rtx-kg2:PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:16136701-biolink:affects-NCBIGene:3643-infores:drugcentral infores:rtx-kg2:NCBIGene:3643-biolink:physically_interacts_with-NCBIGene:4036-infores:intact infores:rtx-kg2:NCBIGene:9997-biolink:gene_associated_with_condition-MONDO:0019354-infores:diseases

So, in total, I think there are... 12? edges attaches to this result in one way or another. 1 for the actual Result itself, 1 in the aux graph, 1 in the analyses, and 9 on the support graph for analyses edge.