NCATSTranslator / SRIGovernance

Coordinating governance for the Translator community
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GC.1: Strawman governance documents #1

Closed mmersmann closed 4 years ago

mmersmann commented 4 years ago

Draft procedures for decision-making and document how these procedures themselves will be updated as necessary over time.

mellybelly commented 4 years ago

Governance documents needed:

Draft documents are being deposited in this folder

cbizon commented 4 years ago

@karafecho, @stanahalt, @cbizon @patrickkwang please review the docs in the folder above by Tuesday

mellybelly commented 4 years ago

Especially helpful will be to add to the Standards and Reference Change Management document, which is quite skeletal at present. I wasn't sure what all we wanted to put on a standards governance change cycle, but knew that we'd need a different cycle for different components that we are aiming to standardize.

Also note that the idea is to have a prototype that the remaining funded components can actually help iterate on after the March meeting. So the goal is not perfection, but rather something complete enough for community iteration and decision making.