NCATSTranslator / SRIGovernance

Coordinating governance for the Translator community
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Instantiating working groups #11

Closed diatomsRcool closed 4 years ago

diatomsRcool commented 4 years ago

From the Roles & Responsibilities document: "Contributors can form small, focused groups that are focused on a specific topic, called Working Groups. These Working Groups can be formed and dissolved as needed, but must be “attached” to an existing committee. In order to be an officially recognized Translator Working Group, the members of the Working Group should draft a charter containing the mission of the Working Group, proposed meeting frequency, an inaugural moderator, and list of inaugural members. The charter should be an accessible, living document where information is kept current. Working Group members are expected to the Code of Conduct and other governance documentation. "

Also see this document.

diatomsRcool commented 4 years ago

Chris Bizon: add quarterly review

diatomsRcool commented 4 years ago

Revision: Contributors can form small, modular groups that are focused on a specific topic: Working Groups. These Working Groups can be formed and dissolved as needed, but must be “attached” to an existing committee. In order to be an officially recognized Translator Working Group, the members of the Working Group should draft a brief charter containing the mission of the Working Group, the preferred communication medium, a link to the applicable Google drive folder (where appropriate), the meeting schedule, an inaugural moderator, and list of inaugural members. The charter should be an accessible, living document where information is kept current. Any deliverables from the Working Group should be recorded and made available either in the NCAT Biomedical Data Translator Google Drive or GitHub. Working Group members are expected to abide by the Code of Conduct and other governance documentation.

diatomsRcool commented 4 years ago

Change made.