NCATSTranslator / SRIGovernance

Coordinating governance for the Translator community
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Only using open terminologies #3

Closed diatomsRcool closed 4 years ago

diatomsRcool commented 4 years ago

A proposed minimum criterion for Translator is only using open terminologies. "Only open terminologies (i.e., terminologies with a license that allows free redistribution) are used. Cross references to non-open terminologies are permissible."

Andrew Su comments "This would cut out semmeddb (UMLS). Longer term I think the goal is that Larry's team at Colorado would create something that is (much) better based only on open terminologies, but short term I think that might create problems for teams (e.g., that depend on semmed?"

William Byrd comments "Thanks ! It is both true that we are currently using UMLS, and that we want to get rid of the dependency. In particular, we want to have access to high-quality, comprehensive data sets that are open, and that use open ontologies and controlled vocabulary. Short term we will definitely take a hit if we have to drop all data, controlled vocabularies, and ontologies that aren't completely open and freely redistributable."

diatomsRcool commented 4 years ago

Does the "cross references to non-open terminologies are permissible" statement not make this ok?

diatomsRcool commented 4 years ago

@mellybelly ? thoughts?

mellybelly commented 4 years ago

Xrefs are fine and in fact need to be supported.

@webyrd perhaps we can have some clause to the effect of: If no open terminology or resource used within the Translator is available, a statement to this effect should be included:

"This resource, while not openly available to all, does not have alternative options and will be replaced at such time as one is created or is made available"

diatomsRcool commented 4 years ago

update added to the text.