NCATSTranslator / SRIGovernance

Coordinating governance for the Translator community
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Change process for governance docs #9

Closed diatomsRcool closed 4 years ago

diatomsRcool commented 4 years ago

Standards and Reference Change Management document: "Changes to Translator governance can be proposed by any community member and are voted on by the Steering Committee during a regular meeting. "

Noel Southall comments: "At some point. Maybe for now we want to see how dynamic a document it needs to be? Maybe a provisional /non-binding content type/process that allows some volatile content that gets adopted after a certain period of use (or lack thereof)?"

Stephen Ramsay comments: "Why can't the SC vote asynchronously on a proposed change, if the members all are willing? This seems like it could slow the project down. (meetings are quarterly, per the R&R doc)."

diatomsRcool commented 4 years ago

We can include a provision for asynchronous voting via slack, if all are amenable.

cbizon commented 4 years ago

I'm ok with async, but I'd rather it was in github rather than slack (because of permanence/transience)

diatomsRcool commented 4 years ago

OK. I can write a paragraph about asynchronous voting in GitHub in the governance doc.

diatomsRcool commented 4 years ago

Change made.