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Asset 362: wrong answer ID for ACE inhibitors #76

Open colleenXu opened 2 months ago

colleenXu commented 2 months ago

Asset 362 says the expected output name is ACE inhibitors. However, the output ID PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:37056 is Ethyl4-ethoxy-6-methylnicotinate (Dev NodeNorm, PubChem).

Instead, BTE does return an Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (UMLS:C0003015), although not in the top 10%.

If this test is kept, I imagine the expected output ID needs to be changed. But I wonder if this test falls under the "too general" issue brought up in

maximusunc commented 1 month ago

I'm not the best person to comment on generality, but Name Resolver returns UMLS:C3653768.

colleenXu commented 1 month ago

It may be worth asking the original writer of the test what ID to use?

Also, Wikipedia includes the ID MESH:D000806. This is in NodeNorm Dev too - but its primary ID CHEBI:35457 appears to be a role, not really an entity...

maximusunc commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure who the original asset owner is.