NCATSTranslator / testing

Materials and tools for testing Translator components
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Disease (MONDO:0005301) - Gene - Disease #140

Open sstemann opened 2 years ago

sstemann commented 2 years ago

Query: C.3_MS_SAME.json PK: 7c58aaa7-dd47-439b-94d5-e65ea9d34de3


dkoslicki commented 2 years ago

With how unspecified this query is, it doesn't surprise me that it could return thousands of results. Eg. I see that ARAX has now completed the query, but the results won't load after waiting ~10min, which is usually indicative of thousands of results. Is there an expected way to handle this situation? Eg. Truncate to however many, tell the user to "please be more specific" or something else?

edeutsch commented 2 years ago

The ARAX result did load for me after a few minutes, but the result is nearly 300 MB! image

andrewsu commented 2 years ago

BTE retrieves 2476 genes in the first step e01, and according to the fix we implemented in, BTE aborts before the e02 step with the following error (which can be seen at through

  "id": "T9Xs3q7NOV",
  "state": "completed",
  "returnvalue": {
    "response": {
      "error": "QueryAborted",
      "message": "Max number of entities exceeded (1000) in 'e02'"
    "status": "501",
    "callback": ""
  "progress": 0

Posting the error back to the ARS so that BTE does not appear in this perpetual "Running" state is being tracked in