NCATSTranslator / testing

Materials and tools for testing Translator components
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Disease (MONDO:0004496 - myocarditis) <located_in> Named Thing #165

Open sstemann opened 2 years ago

sstemann commented 2 years ago

Query: location.json PK: 85161f9d-2156-494a-a383-13aac24f3fca Control: Follow up to #163 was expecting "heart" image

pg427 commented 2 years ago

@sstemann I tried running the query again and getting 5452 results. I'm attaching an image of the results as well as the link to the PK for reference.


PK: 7b397436-7b9a-4ca6-8489-6d5c0d60552f

MarkDWilliams commented 2 years ago

Expected result

Subject Predicate Object
MONDO:0004496 biolink:located_in UBERON:0000948
brettasmi commented 2 years ago

As mentioned this morning, this is a predicate mapping issue for us. Here's a PK for the query ( myocarditis ) - related to - ( AnatomicalEntity, GrossAnatomicalStructure ):


Note that NamedThing works as well, but it adds a lot of noise.