NCATSTranslator / testing

Materials and tools for testing Translator components
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Creative Mode MVP Hypertensive Nephropathy (MONDO:0024633) #226

Closed sstemann closed 8 months ago

sstemann commented 1 year ago

Query Inferred/Creative: mvpHyperNephropathy.json

Inferred/Creative PK: 54e85d46-7f4f-4ab1-a59a-0b0e8e2309e9

Query Standard: mvpHyperNephropathyStd.json

Standard PK: 2a8180b3-cdd5-453f-adb1-8aa450f33911

These were run against ars-prod. Inferred screenshot is on the left. image

dkoslicki commented 1 year ago

The fix for this synonymization issue is awaiting deployment. In the meantime, here are the results from ARAX:

pg427 commented 1 year ago

Explanatory Agent is currently setting up the latest versions on the ITRB servers. Once we have the latest database up and running on the servers, this issue should resolve automatically.

Bassa1 commented 1 year ago
Screen Shot 2022-08-23 at 5 29 53 PM

New Query: Querying different entity and predicate: { "edges": { "e0": { "constraints": [], "knowledge_type": "inferred", "object": "n0", "predicates": [ "biolink:associated_with_decreased_likelihood_of" ], "subject": "n1" } }, "nodes": { "n0": { "categories": [ "biolink:Disease" ], "constraints": [], "ids": [ "MONDO:0024633" ], "is_set": false, "name": "hypertensive nephropathy" }, "n1": { "categories": [ "biolink:ChemicalSubstance" ], "constraints": [], "is_set": false } } }


sstemann commented 8 months ago

looks like three of four ARAs respond to this query in Test