NCATSTranslator / testing

Materials and tools for testing Translator components
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MVP2 Qualified: What gene's activity or abundance is increased by a particular chemical (ETHINYL ESTRADIOL, PUBCHEM.COMPOUND:5991)? #248

Open sstemann opened 1 year ago

sstemann commented 1 year ago

Query: mvp2dEstrogen.json PK: be6225d6-a3d6-490f-a761-7c07fabb22b9

This was run on ars,ci looking for KPs and ARAs that have updated their dev environments to support qualifiers in particular for the MVP2 template query and list of sample inputs from UI team

Also, this is not a creative mode/inferred query


cbizon commented 1 year ago

Aragorn's smartapi registration was unhappy. It's fixed now & rerun through

sstemann commented 8 months ago

retested 10/17. Improving and Unsecret return 0 results for the non-creative mode query, but 300 (Improving) and 203 (Unsecret) in Creative Mode. Is this intentional?