I am trying to extract metadata from a list of Bioprojects Ids.
The script I have works fine, but it cannot deal well with missing data. I read that in the xtract help that I could use the flag -def as Default placeholder for missing fields.
So I tried to add the -def "NA" flag, but it does not change anything in the output.
This is my code:
for i in $(cat $A);
do ll=$(esearch -db bioproject -query $i |
efetch -format xml |
xtract -pattern DocumentSummary -element \
$Phen,$Dis -def "Na" )
echo -e "$i\t$ll" >> $B;
This s my output:
PRJNA253675 eNegative eBacilli eNo eAerobic eMesophilic eHostAssociated Tularemia
This is what I would like to have:
PRJNA310173 Na Na Na Na Na Na Na
PRJNA253675 eNegative eBacilli eNo eAerobic eMesophilic eHostAssociated Tularemia
I am trying to extract metadata from a list of Bioprojects Ids. The script I have works fine, but it cannot deal well with missing data. I read that in the xtract help that I could use the flag -def as Default placeholder for missing fields. So I tried to add the -def "NA" flag, but it does not change anything in the output.
This is my code:
This s my output:
PRJNA310173 PRJNA253675 eNegative eBacilli eNo eAerobic eMesophilic eHostAssociated Tularemia
This is what I would like to have:
PRJNA310173 Na Na Na Na Na Na Na PRJNA253675 eNegative eBacilli eNo eAerobic eMesophilic eHostAssociated Tularemia