NCCA / cfgaa24programingassignment-Luc1nd4

cfgaa24programingassignment-Luc1nd4 created by GitHub Classroom
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Feedback #2

Open jmacey opened 4 months ago

jmacey commented 4 months ago

Either idea is ok, so you need to decide upon one as soon as possible so we can start designing.

For the flocking system you can start with the basic particle system and add rules, for soft bodies you need to develop some form of mesh structure then add physics to the vertices so update the mesh per frame.

Decide which you wish to pursue and we can start on the rest of the design.

jmacey commented 3 months ago

Please decide on a project idea asap so I can give you feedback.

jmacey commented 3 months ago

still no progress

jmacey commented 3 months ago

If you are doing the 10 minute physics soft body simulation you need to look at the basic code structure and try to replicate it the same. Java script is not quite the same as C++ so you need to be wary of the differences.

Start with the basic class structures you need and add in the simulation loop code as required. It should be possible to do something basic using a small cube structure (so 8 vertices) to start with then expand to more complex shapes.

jmacey commented 2 months ago

still no real updates, please start to add designs / code so I can give you feedback.

jmacey commented 2 months ago

please add code / design to your repository so I can give feedback