NCEAS / adc-disciplines

Discipline taxonomy derived from re3data/DFG subject classification
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Make ADCAD URIs resolve somewhere #10

Open amoeba opened 2 years ago

amoeba commented 2 years ago

ADCAD URIs ( should resolve somewhere useful. For our various ontologies, we've been using a mix of:

  1. PyLODE pages, as you can see on
  2. BioPortal redirects, as in

Since ADCAD is primarily a class hierarchy, I think the collapsible tree display BioPortal offers is better than what we get out of the box with PyLODE but PyLODE does support a top-level image which we could set to the image in the readme:

I'm more or less ambivalent. Does anyone else have a preference?

mbjones commented 2 years ago

We'd discussed moving this into the DataONE ontology space, which I think would be fine (and good). I agree that the bioportal tree is a good way to view this particular set.

amoeba commented 2 years ago

Thanks @mbjones. I'll set things up so ADCAD URIs resolve to BioPortal and also add ADCAD to

amoeba commented 2 years ago

Redirects for ADCAD URIs put in in and tested to make sure they're working.