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Arctic Witness Community Highlights Contribution #5

Closed kameyer closed 6 years ago

kameyer commented 6 years ago

Betsy Turner-Bogren would love for us to contribute to a spring issue of Arctic Witness Community Highlights.

Possible topics: news from recent workshops, information about any new services we provide to the community, or other sharable information

Articles ~500 words of text plus a couple high resolution images with explanatory captions and a link or contact info to find further information.

Target submission for the next three issues:

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

oh, cool. ideas:

kameyer commented 6 years ago

I told Betsy we would contribute to the March issue (deadline Monday, 19 March) and we would share our new initiatives on highlighting specific datasets and PIs/researchers on our website and twitter account. If there is information to share on the new data editor, we can share that, too.

aebudden commented 6 years ago

I think that is a great approach. We can use the data editor showcase in a future issue when we have some training resources to link to from the article.

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

emphasize range of skills we're supporting over next year:

entry level data management: ESA 2018 / Polar 2018

technical training: SB summer training

kameyer commented 6 years ago

First draft for March 19 article now available: - please provide edits! Thanks

aebudden commented 6 years ago

Some comments added, and some again just now :)

kameyer commented 6 years ago

Updated Draft Available:

kameyer commented 6 years ago

Vanessa has provided edits for this new draft, so it's been updated again (same link): Submitting on upcoming Monday, March 19

kameyer commented 6 years ago

Article submitted to Betsy on Wed March 21