NCEAS / arctic-data-outreach

Outreach and engagement activities for the Arctic Data Center
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Revise Data Submission Guidelines Page #115

Open dvirlar2 opened 1 year ago

dvirlar2 commented 1 year ago

Data Submissions Guidelines page can be found here.

General ideas:

mbjones commented 1 year ago

These sound like great changes. If you change the URL, also be sure to not delete the old URL -- make sure it redirects to the new one and is maintained. We have given many presentations, training courses, posters, and blog articles of the years that give /submit as the key URL, and we don't want it to 404 for people following those links from earlier materials. This is true of other key URLs that point to our resources as well.

justinkadi commented 7 months ago

After the folder view comes out in December, it would help to update the submission guidelines page with information about preserving folder structure and justification for our policy on zip files.