NCEAS / arctic-data-outreach

Outreach and engagement activities for the Arctic Data Center
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Potential New Page: Data Submission Walk Through #116

Open dvirlar2 opened 1 year ago

dvirlar2 commented 1 year ago

We basically already have this created for all of our workshops, but we don't have a dedicated, explicit and easy-to-find submission How-To on our main site. I think it would benefit researchers, and save me the occasional few minutes when we get new submitters, to have this information be a main drop down item under the "Support" tab on our home page.

Ideally, this "How-To" page would include all the typical things, but also maybe include a shout-out/banner/call-out or whatever for those who have large data submissions, or submissions with more than 1000 files. Happy to workshop what this looks like aesthetically and content-wise, but I think this would be a great addition for researchers to have!

I don't think too much (if anything) needs to change from the walkthroughs we teach, but it wouldn't hurt to sit down and review it more intentionally to see if the content still flows well outside of the courses.