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SB Data Science Training - application process #28

Closed vlraymond closed 6 years ago

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

Draft docs

To dos

Advertising training

Reviewing apps

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

Slew of questions about application process:

  1. can there be an email designated for this and subsequent activities like this such as:,, or
  2. do we have a specific type of researcher we're interested in training this year? early career? women? PIs? social scientists?
vlraymond commented 6 years ago

screen shot 2018-03-05 at 11 00 20 am

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

screen shot 2018-03-05 at 11 11 33 am

for example the SASAP training has a good set of questions on this:
screen shot 2018-03-05 at 11 20 46 am

mbjones commented 6 years ago

@vlraymond Your question about email lists: we created for the last training for announcements and general community notifications. See!forum/community. What kind of mailing list were you looking for?

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

Last year's Data Science Training application listed Amber's email address as the destination for people to send application materials to. Likewise, in the Data Science Fellowship application process, the flyers list Jesse's email address.

I'd prefer to use (or something like that) for these types of application situations.

mbjones commented 6 years ago

Ok, I see. Don't use, that goes out to hundreds of researchers. We can create another address for applications if needed. What would be best is if the application form they submit can handle all of the materials that we ask for so that there isn't a separate email required. LAst time we were working last minute and couldn't get that to work because Google Forms doesn't support file uploads. We've used other form systems like JotForm and Qualtrix to get around that restriction.

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

Timeline: Application out by Friday Applications due by: March 30th, 3018 Successful candidates notified by: April 16, 2018

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

add Q: "which of the following do you use in your daily workflow" (SASAP Q to add)

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

update: G'Forms now allows upload of docs :>

mbjones commented 6 years ago

@vlraymond ok, good. And did you confirm that that includes outside of the listed collaborators on the form? They supported it last time, but only for people that had permission to edit the form questions. So we need it for non-privileged submissions. Awesome if they support it. Do you have a link describing their changed feature?

vlraymond commented 6 years ago "EDIT: Since 7/10/2017, all users with a Google account (G Suite and Gmail) can now upload files to a Form, and not only people from the same G Suite domain."

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 2:59 PM, Matt Jones wrote:

@vlraymond ok, good. And did you confirm that that includes outside of the listed collaborators on the form? They supported it last time, but only for people that had permission to edit the form questions. So we need it for non-privileged submissions. Awesome if they support it. Do you have a link describing their changed feature?

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread .

-- * Vanessa Raymond Outreach and Training Coordinator Arctic Data Center

aebudden commented 6 years ago

@vlraymond Going through the form now and have some suggested edits - not really user friendly for editing. How do you want the feedback? Mark-up hard copy?

aebudden commented 6 years ago

Comments in the attached. 2018 Data Science Training Application Form - Google Forms_MarkUp.pdf

aebudden commented 6 years ago

I've made a number of comments to the google doc. Did this asynchronously with the form and so the two will need to be cross checked.

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

Thanks Amber. In response:

Intro Section readiness Yes, Agreed. I have a pull request in to @mbjones for the new training's agenda page. I have never used that system before (is it Jekyll?) so most likely I will need to revise my PR after MB's review. That was sort of a stab in the dark.

I'll add that I think we should evaluate and clarify the need for both and If they serve different purposes and have different content, then I guess I need that more clearly defined for me. It looks like is more for a general overview of dates and time, and is dates, logistics, and content.

Intro Section Instruction style and question of hands on work with your own data: Nothing is confirmed! These are my ideas. MB had mentioned that last year's applicants had wanted more hands-on training and more of a how-to on submitting to the ADC. I'm watching the CRESCYNT workshops unfold this week where people seem to be working with their own data, creating their own metadata, etc. I think it's:

Also, with the next round of Fellows on deck and trained up by mid-August, they could be in charge of assisting a group of participants, with the Data Staff supervising them or providing more expert guidance, as needed.

That being said I'm coming from a more hackathon / data jam worldview so that could just by my bias.

Intro Section Questions from VR

  1. Are we trying to track our engagement with under-represented groups in sciences? If so by what metrics, and should we ask about them up front (gender, racial identity, disability etc)
  2. Are we trying to reach out to indigenous scholars?
  3. Can we work with other training groups at NCEAS on making an NCEAS code of conduct? Doesn't seem like there is anything for NCEAS and with working groups being our thing I think it's important we walk the walk on this issue

Q6. What career stages are we going to list: This is directly copied from last year's form. It brings up a larger question of what purpose this question serves. I don't know the larger objectives here.

Q7. Exit out of survey if not an Arctic researcher

Q8. If PI then award number

Q14. familiarity with (non-R) programming language

Q19. "other" in daily workflow

Q23. and Q23. Questions from VR Are both necessary? I know we're aiming for a short, and this is getting long.

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

Ok edits from AB's comments are actually in now. A few things to note:

Q7. Exit out of survey if not an Arctic researcher I was not able to gracefully do this so I added some text to give users a heads-up that they will be exiting the form if they select that option.

After submission, this is the message applicants will see:

screen shot 2018-03-12 at 2 41 48 pm
vlraymond commented 6 years ago

goooo team :>

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

MBJ says we can publish this seeing as AB has given it her seal of approval.

kameyer commented 6 years ago

The trainings webpage has been updated, and the application link is officially live online:

mbjones commented 6 years ago

🎉 🎉 🎉 Thanks. Can you turn the 'Click to Apply' header into a green button using our normal button style, probably with 'Apply Now' as the button label? As it is now its not obvious that the header is clickable. There should be CSS support for this style already in the site. @laurenwalker or @csjx could probably provide a pointer as they've set up similar buttons. Thanks.

kameyer commented 6 years ago

'Apply Now' is now a button - it's not green though. Thoughts?

aebudden commented 6 years ago

@kameyer Button now green. @vlraymond The link to the form requires people to be signed in to google to complete the form. Is this bc of the upload requirement? Do we see this an an impediment to getting applications? Does everyone have a google account these days? <-- OK, just read back. I see that we are aware of this.

aebudden commented 6 years ago

@vlraymond I see that you have checked off the flyer. Can you link that to this ticket?

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

@aebudden I mentioned in the convo above that I had made one (.pdf attached), but need to re-make it today using your latest design tweaks as a template. So it's a half check :>

Is the deadline for applications ok to be pushed back to 4/6?

tiny: idea afoot to move the app deadline to after Easter / spring break time 2018 DataScienceTraining flyer NB: this was made before @aebudden upgraded our flyer template so I'll remake this today. So consider this a sneak preview. @kameyer wants to post about the data science training in the Witness the Arctic piece so we need the greenlight from @mbjones on the application for KM to include the link in the article goooo team :>

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

@aebudden yes, it's definitely a fair point, and assuming everyone has google isn't a foolproof plan. If we drop in a contact email, which you mentioned, we can perhaps help the few we have trouble here.

aebudden commented 6 years ago

How does pushing back the deadline impact our review timeline? We would still want to get decisions out to people asap. I know @mbjones is OK with a short application period however I think providing the extra time is appropriate provided it doesn't impact decision date. i.e. - we'd have less time to turn things around.

aebudden commented 6 years ago

Did we get an email? I think @mbjones was going to create it? He's off sick today so maybe check in with Nick Outin

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

email addy - I don't know what the resolution of that discussion was. Did you agree on training@? If so I can follow up with Nick today.

application due date - at the end of the day it's up to the two of you. I think giving people time to submit an application is as important as giving them time to plan to travel for a week.

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

Email blurb for sending out to listservs ///

subject: Applications open for Data Science Training for Arctic Research

body: Application deadline: Friday 3/30/2018 Visit to learn more and apply.

Join the Arctic Data Center in Santa Barbara, CA for the 2018 Data Science Training for Arctic Research. This 5-day workshop will provide Arctic researchers with an overview of best practices in data management, training in data science tools, and concrete steps and methods for documenting and uploading data (and metadata!) to NSF's Arctic Data Center.

Arctic Data Center 2018 Data Science Training for Arctic Research August 13 – 17, 2018 Santa Barbara, CA Contact:

About us: The Arctic Data Center is a data archive and portal for data discovery which provides users with tools for data and metadata submission. These tools include the ability to share data provenance and metadata quality checks. We assign a digital object identifier (DOI) to each published data set.

In addition to data storage, the Arctic Data Center also provides support services to the Arctic research community by providing trainings in data science and management, both of which are critical skills for stewardship of data and other research products preserved at the Arctic Data Center.

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

updated flyer using Amber's template: PDF | INDD

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

We received 48 applications for 24 slots.

What are the criteria for selection?

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

VR to review and synthesize applicants for MJ and AB by COB 4/3/18, with suggested selection of 24

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

@mbjones and @aebudden there is pretty even split between novices, beginners, competent, and advanced people in the applicant pool. After spending several hours, this is the list I came up with:

Process document for applicant review google sheets with primary candidates

Looking forward to your thoughts, thanks.

aebudden commented 6 years ago

Thanks for this breakdown Vanessa, great start. Matt and I did a cursory review and have a few comments: 1) Some cells were empty (US affiliation, institutions, competency). Perhaps because you had already filtered these individuals out? We have filled in a few of these and need to complete the rest 2) In your documentation, it was not clear the filters you used to get to the 28 candidates. We were able to figure that out to a certain extent. Might want to update the documentation to be a bit more explicit about the filters that were applied and the candidates lost at each step. 3) We may choose to review the competency score since there was more variability in 'expert' that we expected. Important if 'expert' is to be used as a criteria for exclusion. 4) Please use numeric codes for the competency scores so that applicants can be sorted by competency. (we will also create our own rankings giving us three to compare. 5) Please add a column ranking individuals for inclusion. ie. List 'Decline' for those that are not well suited and then rank the others such that we have a wait list already identified. 6) Note that we likely wont use 'former arctic' as a criteria for exclusion since these people might have also been able to answer 'soon to conduct arctic'. We plan to evaluate those in the same way.

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

fixed: 1,4, 5 no action for VR required: 3,6 tasks outstanding: 2 - but not sure this is necessary action for VR seeing as AB and MJ are going to review competency and going to include "former arctic"

aebudden commented 6 years ago

@vlraymond Can you please prepare emails for everyone in the spreadsheet that has "make offer", "#2" or #3" listed in column AA (include/decline). The two I'd like clarification on are those marked 'Review'. You excluded those on the basis of content in their CVs but using the spreadsheet rubric they would have been included. I can see a stronger case for one than the other. Please review these two in relation to the ones that are currently not being offered a position and let me know your thoughts. I'd like to get the letters out on Monday 4/30 and can meet to make a final decision.

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

VR will add notes into the spreadsheet

aebudden commented 6 years ago

OK, so you believe that A may have mistakenly indicated that she does Arctic research? I don't have such a significant concern about health per se since we do take a broad selection of data, however it seems that she's not involved in collection of data vs working with individuals and census information? In which case, can you please identify two from the remaining viable candidates that would be more appropriate? Thanks

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

would favor JS and KG.

aebudden commented 6 years ago

OK, please go ahead and set up invites for these two and the others listed in the spreadsheet. Confirm that is 25 total. We can review this am and get them out at lunch.

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

Email template:

Dear , The Arctic Data Center is pleased to invite you to join our Data Science Training in Santa Barbara, CA on August 13 - 17, 2018. You were chosen from 48 Arctic researchers from across the globe with a variety of academic experiences and a breadth of research interests. Thank you for taking the time to apply, we appreciated your thoughtful and detailed response. We have selected a cohort of applicants with complementary skill levels and interests, and we are expecting between 20 and 25 attendees.

Requested from you now: Please confirm your ability to attend this training by replying to this email by Friday May 4th, 2018. If you are unavailable to attend the training, please email us as soon as possible (but no later than 5/4/18) so that we can contact another applicant to take your spot in the training.

Next steps: Upon confirmation of your acceptance, our travel coordinator Ginger will follow up with you with details about logistics. Amber or Kathryn will email you with a more detailed agenda of topics as we get closer to the date of training.

Training Dates: August 13 - 17, 2018

Training Location: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis 735 State Street Santa Barbara, CA 93106

Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions. The best way to reach us is via email

Best, Amber Budden, co-PI Matt Jones, PI Kathryn Meyers, Outreach and Community Engagement Manager

aebudden commented 6 years ago

We need to give them a date by which we want them to respond - and explicitly ask them to respond. Perhaps before the 2nd para include: "Please let us know by Friday April 4th if you are able to accept this invitation. Upon confirmation, Ginger Gillquist (our meetings coordinator) will ...." At the 'for questions' part possibly change to read "Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions via ..." There are often lots of little questions so it's good to be inviting.

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

Ok so the list is 25 ppl right now.

I'm triple checking and going back over the applicants who have been tagged with and in accept/decline column, and re-reviewing all applicants to make sure I parsed their application info correctly. Will have any notes or adjustments compiled by our CEO call.

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

deadline pushed to Thursday, gives us more time to contact waitlist as needed

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

AB sent out acceptance letters on Monday. Tracking offer acceptance in the same spreadsheet.

kameyer commented 6 years ago

Ginger sent out the travel logistics email to the participants 05/15

aebudden commented 6 years ago

All items in this ticket complete