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Outreach and engagement activities for the Arctic Data Center
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AGU Fall Meeting 2018 #31

Closed vlraymond closed 4 years ago

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

AGU session proposals due 4/18/18

NEW THIS YEAR: Session proposals and cross-listed/co-organized sessions will be accepted for the newly formed GeoHealth Section. Also new this year, the Fall Meeting Program Committee invites you to submit Tutorial Talk proposals that improve learning and spark new ways of approaching today’s problems. Key Milestones Session and Tutorial Proposal Deadline: Wednesday, 18 April 2018, 11:59 PM EDT Workshop Proposals Open: 1 April 2018 All proposals must be submitted via the online submission website. Abstract Submission Period: 13 June 2018 – 1 August 2018 Abstract and Sessions’ Scheduled Days/Times Notifications Sent: 1 October 2018. For more information, contact the AGU Scientific Program Team.

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

Panels Enjoy a higher level of interaction with presenters. Panels consist of up to eight (8) individuals who will respond to questions from a moderator and audience. Panels could consist of full panels, include a 5-minute talk from each panelist, or have the opportunity for extended Q&A alongside other attendees.


Challenges to Arctic Data Management comprised of PI to graduate student panel

aebudden commented 6 years ago

Challenges to Arctic Data Mgmt sounds like a great topic for a session. Panel sounds good though it maybe harder to get accepted. In which case, does it default to an oral? We will need to include people from outside the ADC so we should start planning this now. Also, we need to submit a workshop to this.

aebudden commented 6 years ago

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

AGU submission guidelines provenance focused - ADC is first active / in the wild provenance editor Coordinate with WholeTail, ESIP, DataOne, and ADC


vlraymond commented 6 years ago

workshop : full day DMP tool

aebudden commented 6 years ago

Potential AGU session here: Very draft. Due 4/18

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

As of 4/26/18 for call scientific workshop proposals has not opened

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

still waiting for call for workshops to open in order to apply

kameyer commented 6 years ago

Call for workshops open. Deadline June 6, 2018

kameyer commented 6 years ago

Steven's work with semantics could work well in the Data & Rising technology SWIRL theme (

kameyer commented 6 years ago

Proposal Draft, reusing the ESA proposal draft, for review @aebudden

kameyer commented 6 years ago

@aebudden scientific workshop proposal deadline is next Wed 6 June. Submission needs to be done by an AGU member (I'm not currently a member) Proposal Draft: (

aebudden commented 6 years ago

Workshop proposal submitted

kameyer commented 6 years ago

We were invited to participate in this AGU Session via IARPC:

Session Listing: Session Title: Putting Arctic Science to Work: Using Your Words to Reach Collaborators and Decision-makers Session Description: The Arctic is changing more rapidly than other parts of the planet with broad impacts on ecosystems, sea level, global weather patterns, transportation, and geopolitics. Responding to these intertwined changes requires collaboration across disciplines and effective communication with decision makers. The Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee uses an open platform, IARPC Collaborations, to enhance communication, coordination, and collaboration between researchers of various disciplines and other stakeholders. The Study of Environmental Arctic Change developed expert-authored two-page briefs to answer policy-relevant science questions and promote cross disciplinary studies. The effectiveness of these and similar models depends on understanding different audiences, especially non-scientific and interdisciplinary audiences, and communicating accordingly. This session invites presentations that illustrate communication that is effective for promoting new collaborations and/or for conveying scientific understanding to decision-makers.

Cheers, Jessica Rohde (IARPC Collaborations) Brendan Kelly (Study of Environmental Arctic Change, SEARCH)

kameyer commented 6 years ago

Although it's not our typical type of session, it might be an interesting opportunity to bring data science into the communication realm/get the word out about the ADC to a new crowd. It could get people thinking differently/be an interesting discussion