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POLAR2018 - DMP session #45

Closed vlraymond closed 6 years ago

vlraymond commented 6 years ago

Session: Data Management Planning

(what we said we were going to do)

Some pre-existing resources

Why create a DMP

Elements of a DMP

What is a Data Management Plan?

DMP guidance

Data Preservation

Hands on- ADC's NSF DMP tool

kameyer commented 6 years ago

Workshop session on June 19 had 15-17 participants. The workshop was over the lunch period and difficult to find on the schedule (huge conference with a lot going on) - so the attendance number can overall be considered a success.

Attendees commented that they appreciated learning about DMP resources (i.e., DMPTool), as they were not aware these helpful online tools existed.

Notes for future DMP workshops: Use concrete examples to demonstrate the concepts and level of detail to include in the DMP sections (esp. for data type and format sections). Ask questions to attendees from the start (i.e., have you created a DMP?/have you used or heard of the DMP tool? etc.); Will improve advertisement plan in the future, too.

Condensed version of the presentation slides are now posted and available on our website POLAR 2018 training page (