NCEAS / awards-bot

Award management bot for Arctic Data Center management
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1.4.2 installation issues #56

Open laijasmine opened 3 years ago

laijasmine commented 3 years ago

1) When Chris installed the latest version of the bot we get this error message:

ℹ Rendering reprex...
pandoc: Unknown writer: gfm
Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 9
Execution halted

Not sure why the bot is set up this way where if there is an error it automatically goes to render a reprex as I can't find any mention of it in the code base

2) "out", "#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'out' not found"

laijasmine commented 3 years ago

potentially due to the slackr 3.3.0 new functionality:

slackr and slackr_bot now use reprex::prex() in the background, which means that they no longer throw errors the same way as they did before. slackr will try to be helpful in telling you what went wrong if your prex output contains an error (instead of posting), but it isn’t guaranteed to work all of the time. You can prevent this behavior by setting the SLACKR_ERRORS environment variable to "IGNORE".

tried seeting my environment variable as described but reprex is still generated

laijasmine commented 3 years ago

might be worth looking into something like #52 to help prevent future issues with breaking changes in slackr