NCEAS / commdyn

Community Dynamics software and workflows
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Compare our approach / results against recent _Science_ paper(?) #6

Open cboettig opened 10 years ago

cboettig commented 10 years ago

Hey group 1.5 folks,

You may have already seen this nice article from Dornelas et al. that just appeared in Science, which does an analysis of alpha and beta diversity over time that sounds rather similar in spirit to some of the questions we are asking. They do compare across 10 different measures of alpha and I think 4 different measures of beta.

Far from undermining our effort, my impression is that this paper provides the perfect illustration of the need for workflows in this context, as it immediately begs the question of just how general the pattern they claim to observe is across both the endless potential perturbations to the methods and datasets used. The supplement includes tables of the different alpha and beta diversity metrics, but unfortunately not the raw data to replicate those calculations.

Anyway, I think the paper is worth a look and would be interested in hearing others impressions.

Best, Carl