NCEAS / eml

Ecological Metadata Language (EML)
GNU General Public License v2.0
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copyright changes needed #61

Closed mbjones closed 7 years ago

mbjones commented 7 years ago

Author Name: Matt Jones (Matt Jones) Original Redmine Issue: 496, Original Date: 2002-05-01 Original Assignee: Matt Jones

Changes as decided upon at the Sevilleta EML meeting, April 24-25, 2002:

0) Matt, Peter, and others will check on copyright issues with their institutions 1) Change copyright to "" 2) add paragraph to each source file citing NCEAS grants, ASU grants, Packard, NET, etc for their contributions)

mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Matt Jones (Matt Jones) Original Date: 2002-05-15T18:38:25Z

I have an inquiry into the UCSB IP official about jointly held copyrights. I am awaiting a reply.

Having looked into it myself, it is clear that we can not assign copyright to First, as an institution it does not have any legal standing, and so can not hold a copyright. Second, each of us has contractual obligations as employees of our respective universities that prevent most of us from giving away the copyright. I have reviewed the copyright policies at UCSB, UNM, and ASU. At UCSB and UNM, it is clear that the University holds the copyright for the employee contributions. At UCSB, software that is distributed freely requires only a UC Regents copyright notice along with the license. At UNM, it was not clear what the requirements are, because they didn't distinguish between commercial and non-commercial requirements. At ASU, the University seems to have released all rights to "Academic software" to the creators, regardless of their employment status (B-908 C.4.c), so Peter and Corinna own their respective contributions and can assign them as they desire. In light of these findings, I am anticipating using the following notice on all EML documents, subject to the feedback I get from UCSB.

Any objections/comments?

Proposed copyright/license header for EML:

   '$RCSfile: eml-access.xsd,v $'
   Copyright: 1997-2002 Regents of the University of California,
                        University of New Mexico, and
                        Arizona State University
    Sponsors: National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis,
                 University of California Santa Barbara
              Long-Term Ecological Research Network Office,
                 University of New Mexico
              Center for Environmental Studies, Arizona State University

Other funding: National Science Foundation (see README for details) For Details:

    '$Author: jones $'
      '$Date: 2002/05/10 00:04:26 $'
  '$Revision: 1.32 $'

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Matt Jones (Matt Jones) Original Date: 2002-05-15T18:39:47Z


I want to add Packard to this as well. What is the format for citing the PISCO grant? Do you have a grant number? Are there any other requirements from packard?

mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Matt Jones (Matt Jones) Original Date: 2002-06-14T15:18:18Z

PISCO was added to the copyright statement too. Chnaged copyright in all XSD files and documentation. need to change in DTDs still, so moving this bug forward to next milestone.

mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Matt Jones (Matt Jones) Original Date: 2002-09-09T09:48:05Z

Checked all file sin the root of EML and updated their copyright statements. DONE. Need to be sure that any future files that are added are added with the correct project headers wrt copyright and license.

mbjones commented 7 years ago

Original Redmine Comment Author Name: Redmine Admin (Redmine Admin) Original Date: 2013-03-27T21:14:28Z

Original Bugzilla ID was 496