NCEAS / goa-data

Data tracking for Gulf of Alaska
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GoA Longline survey, 1978-present (RACE / NMFS / AFSC / NOAA) #20

Open clward opened 9 years ago

clward commented 9 years ago

Useful primarily for: Sablefish, Sharks. Data collected: Catch, Catch with nulls, Lengths for: Sablefish, Shortspine thornyhead, rougheye rockfish, shortraker rockfish, Greenland turbot Also: Sablefish ages (otoliths), gender, maturity, size

Sampling program conducted by Auke Bay Lab Contact: Cara Rodgveller, (Auke Bay Lab; Alternate contact: (listed on NODC portal)

Regions to request: East Yakutat, West Yakutat, Central Gulf, Western Gulf (also available: Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea) Areas to request: Upper continental shelf (1978-present), Gullies (1987-present) Decide which fleet data to request: Japan-US cooperative longline survey: 1978-94 (do they have GoA data for these years?) Domestic (NMFS / AFSC) Longline Survey 1987-present

NB Some data are posted online ([]=x&filterStation=true ; can download .csv files) and in annual reports (, but: (i) both have insufficient metadata to be useful (need sampling date, station effort (including soak time), bottom topo, water temps, RPW. (ii)only the most commonly caught species are posted online.

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